Each year, about this time, Sydney University Bushwalkers, have a trip to a nice campsite on the Coxs River. The campsite is a nice and shady spot on a grassy bank above the river. From it, it is a short distance to a great swimming pool in the river. Nearby are many sets of rapids and some beautiful granite slabs and boulders.
Paradise? Yes, except for a lot of flies. But perhaps they come out after some of the gourmet food that is shared amongst the party? The other factor that impacts on enjoyment is the river level. This year it was quite reasonable – and the pool was quite deep with clear water. For future reference the river height upstream at Glenroy Bridge was 0.55 m.
After our visit to the Grand Canyon, and lunch at Blackheath, we headed down to Megalong and set off for the hours walk to the campsite. Once there, we said hello to the others, set up our shelter and enjoyed some swimming.
During the evening, a lot of fine food and wine is shared till late at night…. Its a good time for stories to be told around the campfire.
Next morning, I got up early and took advantage to the soft light to get some photos of the river.
Then breakfast, more swimming and more socialising. After lunch, we had one more swim and them walked out. On the way home, some of us stopped for refreshments at Blackheath.
Thanks to Ashley for organising the walk. More photos are online on my website here.
And also – here is some aerial video of the river filmed from a UAV. Best watched full screen and at high resolution.