After visiting Ferndale Park, I farewelled Ray and Elma, and walks down to the Lane Cove River at Fullers Bridge. I crossed the bridge and the followed the Riverside Track upstream to Porters Creek.
The fungi was good – particularly near Porters Creek. I was keen to see how the green waxcaps that I think are Gliophorus psittacinus were going. They were a lot large than my previous visit and I was able to get some nice photographs. Many of them had started changing to an orange colour. Here are some more photographs of them –
As well there was a lot of interesting coral fungi out. Some of it I cannot identify.
Also there were some interesting waxcaps out. The ones in the first photo is quite different to any I have seen –
And near this red coral fungi was some white trumpets, perhaps a species of Craterellus?
And of course some orchids and lizards –
More photos are online on my website here.
One thing I’ve noticed is that the green on the cap is quite different from G. graminicolor and G. viridis, and that shows clearly in the second photo.