Pioneer bushwalker, Marie Byles, during Easter 1918, went on a bushwalk with her father Cyril Byles to the Mt Hay area of the Blue Mountains. This was long before there was a road out that way. Her father is credited with naming Butterbox Point on account of the shape of the small flat topped prominence on the top.
This was one place I thought would be good to spend a night camped near in order to photograph late afternoon and early morning. David Hufton was interested and was happy to drive out.
From the carpark at the end of the Mt Hay Road, it was only a few minutes walk to the “Butterbox”. On the way, we found a suitable campsite in the heath nearby.
It turned out to be an excellent place for a high camp – but the lighting we had, particularly in the afternoon was pretty flat. No golden hour unfortunately. We did locate some very nice rock formations not far from the Mt Hay Canyon exit track. I think it will be worth returning sometime to get some better photos.
Dawn was nice, but from our campsite, the low sun was blocked by the bulk of Mt Hay. There was no mist in the Grose Valley. But still, the grandeur of the place is superb.
This was a nice place to spend a bit of time. Thanks to David Hufton for driving out and accompanying me on the trip.
More photos are online here on my website.