I spent a very interesting morning observing and photographing some of the birds in my local area.
I started down at Gough Whitlam Park on the Cooks River. I was looking for a Striated Heron nest – which I saw, but did not seem to be occupied. I did photograph some Willie Wagtail Wagtail fledglings being fed by a parent.
Nearby, was a Cormorant. I watched it as it dived for fish but it only caught very small ones.
I then went downstream to the Tempe Wetlands. I soon found the Willie Wagtail nest that had been spotted by a Tempe Birdos member on Saturday morning. This time as the parent left the nest, I could see that there were some chicks –
Also, nearby, it was amazing to watch some Willie Wagtails harassing some Ravens. Two small Willie Wagtails managed to drive off about 4 Ravens. One of the Ravens was trying to eat a bit of banana peel. It was soon interrupted.
The raven flew off to a nearby tree –
Another Raven was nearby –
And some more –
Above, high in a tree, I could hear a chick calling its parents for food. It was a Koel, and its “foster parents” were Red Wattlebirds –
Some of the other birds in the Wetlands –
And a dragonfly –
On my way home. At the mudflats at Tempe Reserve, a Striated Heron was searching for food –