I spent an interesting and enjoyable day at the wetlands at Bicentennial Park photographing the birds. Here are some of my photos.
I managed to get a good sequence of a pelican catching and swallowing a fish –
And more Pelican with fish shots –
Meanwhile, I White faced Heron was wandering around in the grass near the hide –
It stated very still, and then lunged and caught a skink.
Some Superb Fairy Wrens –
One bird that was new to me – a Rufous Whistler –
I had heard its call in the mangroves, and it sounded unfamiliar. So I walked around to one of the wreck observation platforms and was lucky to get a clear shot of it.
Black Winged Stilts –
Red Necked Avocets –
A Great Egret flew down to near the main pond inlet/outlet –
And some shots of a White Faced Heron and a Pied Cormorant-
One of my favourite near-home places for birds (I live at Newington).
One day, hope to get to walk through Newington Nature Reserve (it has more parts of this wetland complex, but more importantly, 13 ha remnant woodland area). Unfortuately it now seems never open for visits (consistent with its Nature Reserve status) – although I believe that 10 years back, NPWS allowed one or two walk-through visits each year.