Birds at Centennial Park – 21 August 2018

I’d been taking it easy lately, recovering from a cold, but I was keen to get outdoors, so decided to visit Centennial Park to photograph some of the birds there. A few days before I had been to Bicentennial Park, which also is a good place to photograph birds with many quite different species.

One thing I wanted to see at Centennial Park was the Powerful Owl chick or owlet, which I had heard was now out of the nest. This proved to be correct. It is always hard to spot Powerful Owls when the roost – which is always high up in the trees. I went to the trees close to the nest and there I had seen the two parent birds on my last visit and started looking up. Some other visitors to the park where also present – and with all the eyes looking up the parents and the owlet where soon located. Then it was a matter of waiting to see if the birds would look down. Some patient waiting was rewarded. The chick was amazing – a big ball of downy feathers.

It looks like  for these pair of parents that this the first successful chick in a few seasons. I heard from other bird observers that two years ago – they had a nest in a different tree and it was not successful for some reason, perhaps predators? Last year they used the same nest as this year – a hollow in  large dead tree, and the nest was washed out by rainwater during a big storm.

Three were quite a few other bird photographers around, including Bill and Phillip who I got talking to, and then we later walked around a bit to see more of the birds.

There were lots of Sulphur-crested Cockatoos.

I again located the Tawny Frogmouth nest. No change from my last visit – one parent was still sitting on the nest.

I then prowled around for Barn Owls. Last visit I had observed three. This time I only spotted one.

In one of the open grassy areas, I spent a bit of time trying to photograph the Little Corellas and the Welcome Swallows in flight. The Corellas were easy, but the Swallows are much harder – moving very fast and erratically.

Little Corellas

Welcome Swallows

In the main duck pond, I then photographed the Pink-eared Ducks. These don’t move fast, but are always a ling way from the bank. But after a while they do seem to drift a little closer. And it is interesting to watch them swim together in a circle to create their feeding vortex.

Also at the pool where plenty of other birds – Cormorants, Pelicans, Silver Gulls and more Corellas – Little Corellas and also Long-beaked Corellas.

Little Corellas

Long-beaked Corellas

I finished off trying to photograph some Fairy Martins in flight. They look like and fly like Swallows – very fast close to the surface of the pool, hunting for insects. They can be easily differentiated from Swallows by a white square on their back.

It was now time to head home. It had been a very pleasant day out.

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4 Responses to Birds at Centennial Park – 21 August 2018

  1. Gerard Duane says:

    the Peregrine Falcon on perched on the cliff is magnificent. what camera and lens were you using?

  2. Amanda says:

    hi Great pictures. We are visiting from the uk and have never seen a powerful owl. Could you let me know where to look for them in the park?

    • Dave Noble says:

      The owl family seem to have moved away from the nest area. On my last visit I could not locate them. They may be in trees south of the Wisteria Cafe. There is also at least one pair in the Sydney Botanic Gardens (again I don’t know where – but you could always ask some of the staff).

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