Our party – Stu, Enmoore and myself had spent the morning in Dalpura Canyon and had indulged in apple pies and fine art at Blackheath. But it was still far too early to head home – so we decided a quick trip through Jugglers Canyon was on order.
Jugglers Canyon was pioneered back in the early 90’s on an SUBW trip. The party members were – Stephen Bray, Louise de Beuzeville and Justin Blows. They had originally intended to visit Arethusa Canyon with Grand as a backup in case of rain. On their way out to Arethusa, walking out from the station at Medlow Bath, it did rain. So they bailed on Arethusa and instead attempted a new way into Grand Canyon. This turned out to be Jugglers Canyon. Louise had recently taken up juggling – so between abseils, and to the amusement of the others in the party – she pulled out her juggling balls and did a bit of practice. Hence the name of the canyon. Justin’s report of the first descent can be found in the SUBW archives.
We drove out past Katoomba Airport on the road from Medlow Bath and kept going to Point Pincher Lookout. It had started raining – so we thought a visit to the lookout would be best so we could try and work out what the weather was doing. The rain soon stopped – it had just been a passing storm. So we drove back to the turnoff near the airport, parked the car and got into out canyoning clothes once more and headed off down the track to the canyon.
There are at least two tracks that head off into the creek, We took the first one. This was a mistake! The track was quite distinct – but it soon took us down a hanging swamp. It was wet and muddy. Very delicate terrain – we should not be there! Another track goes down a little further on – it avoids the swamp. Just have to remember this for next time.
Then the rain started again. Another passing storm? Yes – but more serious than the last one. Heavy rain, hail….. mmm …. was it wise to keep going? Wise or not – we did keep going. The canyon has a small catchment and plenty of escape places.
We made good time down the three abseils. Then it was back up the track to the Grand Canyon and then up the old Point Pilcher Track back to the car. The rain had stopped – but we got quite annoyed having to push through lots of wet bushes hanging down on the track.
More photos of the canyon are on my website here.