On my way home from Malabar Headland, I stopped off and spent an hour or two at Sydney Park. I was on the lookout for some rare birds – but like previous visits did not spot any.
A day or two before, a Lewin’s Rail had been heard (but not seen). On this visit, I too heard the Lewin’s Rail, and did spot it a couple of times. But it was far too fast and elusive for any photos. It was making its call in a small area alongside one of the ponds, and moved perhaps 20 m along the shore and then back, but all the time remained hidden in the reeds. This was between 5 pm and 5:30 pm. It would call every few minutes.
So like previous visits, I ended up taking lots of photos of the Welcome Swallows. Here is a sequence of a Welcome Swallow taking a dive into the water –
And some more Swallow shots –
And some of the other birds –
And lots of Turtles were out –