A group of us set out to walk out to Mt Solitary and camp on top for the weekend. This is always a worthwhile trip. In the party, besides myself, were Su Li, Brent, Keith and also John and Chuin Nee and their baby – Jasper.
We set off from the Golden Stairs and were soon walking along the Federal Pass Track to the Ruined Castle. The across the saddle an up onto the peak.
On the way out to Mt Solitary we noticed lots and lots of purple Fringe Lilies in flower. These small and beautiful flowers only last for a day. The next day on the way back I did not see any! I wonder why the flowers came out one day but not the next? The weather was similar on both days.
We camped at the head of Chinaman Gully.
There was plenty of water down the gully, but the best place to collect it was from a small side tributary that joins the main creek just before the cliffline.
It was a pleasant evening sitting on Melvilles Lookout with its marvellous views to the south, enjoying wine and cheese and other nibbles.
On the Sunday – more dawn photography. Then after breakfast we walked to The Col lookout on the eastern end of the mountain, signed the logbook and returned back to our campsite.
Then an easy afternoon all back along Federal Pass to the Golden Stairs. Little Jasper walked a fair bit of the track back.
More photos are on my website here.