Cooks River Birds – More Photos

I spent another few hours on the Cooks River photographing the birds and also have updated my Cooks River Birds webpages. The updated pages start here and continue onto four linked pages. So far they cover 18 species. I have tried to identify the birds and have included a species list. I would be grateful if any reader lets me know if they spot any errors.

Pelican on the river. Its a shame it has to swim through rubbish!

Pelican on the river. Its a shame it has to swim through rubbish!

This is still a project in development. I want to photograph more species but also get better photos of those birds I have already seen. This requires a fair bit of patience – but it is interesting to watch the birds’ behaviour.

CRBir 1 CRBir 4 CRBir 3 CRBir 2

On my recent visit I saw 7 pelicans all in the one area – just near the junction with Cup and Saucer Creek. This is the most I have seen here.

CRBir 5 CRBir 7 CRBir 6

Anyway, here are a few of my latest pictures.

CRBir 8 CRBir 11 CRBir 10 CRBir 9 CRBir 13 CRBir 14

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2 Responses to Cooks River Birds – More Photos

  1. William says:

    Hello David,
    I’ve been enjoying your bird photography photos at Cooks River and Oatley Park. I’ll be visiting Sydney next February and March. I’ve read The Five Best Places for Bird Photography in Sydney
    What I’m wondering is, if I can only visit one or two places in February/March, which places would you recommend for abundance of birds that can be photographed with Canon R7 and Canon EF100-400L kit. Not sure what kit you use, but mine gives me the equivalent of 640mm. Would this be sufficient reach or would you recommend a longer lens?
    Also, please let me know if boots or any special foot ware is required.
    Thank you very much,

    • Dave Noble says:

      It’s hard to recommend a place at a certain time of the year. I often look at the eBird data for different places and choose a spot with interesting birds. Your equipment should be fine. You could look at my blog for the rough time you plan to visit – over past years, and see what could be good.

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