Yesterday I spent a few hours wandering along the Twin Valley Track that goes along Wolli Creek. I was looking out for fungi.
This is very close to home for me. The local fungi society runs trips along Wolli Creek looking for fungi and last year they found at least 60 species. Autumn is regarded as the best time to see fungi out. Also – so far this Autumn has been very good for fungi – with the rain and high humidity. I have found a lot out in places like the rainforest gullies of the Blue Mountains and Royal National Park.
My gallery of fungi that I have seen in Wolli Creek is on this page. I would be grateful for any help or corrections to my amateur attempts at identification. I intend to add to this gallery from time to time.
This was my first visit to Wolli Creek for fungi photography. The main problem I had were mosquitoes. It does take a bit of time to set up a tripod and camera with macro lens. The tripod is typically inverted to get the camera very close to the ground. Manual focus is used as well as a small aperture like f22. This gives the largest depth of field but also means a long exposure time. While I am doing this the mosquitoes are attacking!