Wolli Creek Walk – 19 March 2021

A wet series of days was forecast for Sydney, so I slept in, and then noticed it was not raining outside. It was still not raining at lunchtime – so I decided to head out and do a local walk. I caught a bus to Bexley North and then started out down the Two Valleys Track along Wolli Creek. As it happens, no sooner had I started walking, then it started to rain! The rain did not last long – but it did reoccur on and off during my walk – and was a bit of a nuisance.

I carried two cameras – one for fungi and the other for birds. Because of the rain, it was a lo of trouble setting ip the fungi camera on a tripod etc, so it was not used much. Also – there was not a real lot of fungi out.

Here is some fungi that I did see –

Auricularia cornea

Xylaria sp.

Perhaps Hypholoma sp.

Jelly Fungus

And some of the birds –

Welcome Swallow


Rufous Fantail

This is the first Rufous Fantail I have seen in the Wollie Creek Valley. I think it was one of a pair.

Golden Whistler

Brown Gerygone

Little Wattlebird

New Holland Honeyeater

I walked down as far as Turrella Reserve, then headed to the station. I caught a series of trains to St Peters and then visited Sydney Park for about two hours. The rain was holding off.

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