I had some business to attend to at Springwood and was finished by noon. That left the afternoon free for a walk.
I set off from behind the shopping centre down the Fairy Dell Track, through the dell and then along Magdala Creek. It is pleasant walking down to join the Sassafras Gully Track at Glenbrook Creek and the Perch Ponds. One thought had been to head from there, up Glenbrook Creek and out the Victory Track to Faulconbridge. But instead I opted to head downstream.
I continued walking to where the track splits. The main track climbs up to Martins Lookout and another branch, The Kings Link Track, crosses the creek and climbs up to Bunyan Lookout, high on the far side. That was the way I went, but before crossing, I followed the bank downstream for 100 m or so to Psalm Rock. This is not far above the creek, and has the words of the 23rd Psalm chiselled into the rock. Quite a bit of work. Done by? No one seems to know. But it was a fair while ago, and the letters are starting to be hard to read.
Then I walked back upstream to the crossing point, crossed Glenbrook Creek and followed the track up to Bunyan Lookout. There are quite nice views at the top, and I also stopped for a while and had a late lunch.
I then stayed on top – walking along the St Helena Track for 15 minutes to a turn-off I had spotted on a recent walk. This is the Bullant Track. The Bullants are a Lower Blue Mountains based bush running club. The track goes along a level ridge for a few kilometres and then descends, on an easy slope to Glenbrook Creek at a point opposite to where the Pippas Pass Track drops down to the Creek.
From there it was easy going to Pippas Pass and out to Blaxland.
This was a nice afternoon of bushwalking in attractive country. More photos can be viewed online on my website here.
Thank you David for this great description of what looks like a fantastic walk and also the great photos.
I would love to discuss the track more with you personally and ask if you may give me a call when you get a chance on 0409127185.
Kind regards
Trevor Lloyd
Trevor – I doubt I’ll have the time for a call. You can see all the tracks on Open Street Maps if you zoom in.