Greenway Bird Survey – 9 February 2022

This day was a bit like the previous one – an early morning bird survey followed by a visit to another location. This post will just deal with the bird survey – along The Greenway between Taverners Hill and Hawthorne Light Rail Stations.

We had heard reports of White-plumed Honeyeaters being seen recently near Taverners Hill Station, and with some careful looking we spotted some.

There also the usual Superb Fairy-wrens

And Bulbuls

There was a large flock of Silvereyes

And a few New Holland Honeyeaters

And the usual Noisy Miners

It was much quieter out of the Sun along the path. Here is a Red Wattlebird

And this is a White-browed Scrubwren

Near Marion St, a pair of Magpie Larks

On the canal we saw a juvenile Striated Heron

And further along an Olive-backed Oriole


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