Due to vey wet weather the survey was postponed from Tuesday to Thursday morning. On this survey the group went upstream from the Lang St Bridge to The Boat Harbour and Cup and Saucer Creek Wetlands and back on the far bank.
I think we spotted 36 species of birds.
Early on we saw three Striated Herons. Two were flying across the river and were later joined by a third. They were an adult and two juveniles.
Here is a common resident. A Rainbow Lorikeet –
And great spotting from Chris, finding two Spangled Drongos. I think these are the first we have seen along the river.
Next, we spotted a roosting Tawny Frogmouth in one of the trees near the exercise area.
The Boat Harbour was quiet, and we crossed over to Cup and Saucer Creek. Here are two Little Pied Cormorants –
In the wetlands, were quite a few chicks. Here are some Australian Swamphen chicks –
And a Dusky Moorhen with chicks –
Further along the river, we spotted a second roosting Tawny Frogmouth –
And here is one of a small hunting group of Little Black Cormorants.