I joined the Tempe Birdos for this monthly bird survey. I was in the group surveying the wetlands.
After the survey, I walked home via the Cooks River, and photographed some Tawny Frogmouths at Marrickville Golf Course.
At the Tempe Wetlands, I was not able to get photos of a pair of Sacred Kingfishers that we could hear calling. There was also a Koel that I missed. Recently a Spangled Drongo had been seen and heard – but we did not mange to see it. In the bottom pond, there were lots of Dusky Moorhens – a lot of them juveniles.
Here is a Pacific Black Duck –
Now a few birds the trees. First a Grey Butcherbird –
This Red Wattlebird was a bit shy –
And there were some Superb Fairy-wrens –
And now some non birds. First an Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog – Litoria fallax –
And a Blue-banded Bee –
Here is a Golden Orb Spider –
Another Grey Butcherbird –
And another spider –
Walking back down from the north end of the ponds, more Dusky Moorhens –
We then joined the other group that had been survey at Tempe Reserve, for morning tea. Waling back through Tempe Reserve, I spotted these large puffballs. Each was about the side of a tennis ball. Scleroderma sp.
I then walked up the Cooks River and at Marrickville Golf Course, I stopped to photograph the family of Tawny Frogmouths. Like my last visit, I only spotted three birds. No sign of the new chick.
This had been a pleasant morning.