I joined the Tempe Birdos for their monthly bird survey. After meeting at the wetlands, I joined the group surveying Tempe Reserve.
While the participants were gathering, I photographed this juvenile Australasian Grebe in the first pond at the wetlands –
Now at Tempe Reserve. These Little Corellas were on top of a light pole –
At the area with the boats, we spotted a Striated Heron flying across –
We would see more of this Heron later.
Crested Pigeons
Rainbow Lorikeet
This juvenile Magpie finds a nice worm –
Australian Wood Ducks
Crested Pigeon
Noisy Miner
Little Black Cormorant
White-browed Scrubwren
Superb Fairy-wren
White-faced Heron
The Striated Heron we had seen earlier was perched on the remains of a tree that had washed down the river –
It landed close to where we were.
Squabbling Noisy Miners –
The Striated Heron moved on –
Little Pied Cormorant
Masked Lapwings
Golden Orb Spider
We then met the other group for morning tea. Later, while I was walking out of the area, I took a few more photos –
Great Egret
Little Black Cormorant
Little Pied Cormorants