Wolli Creek Fungi – 12 May 2024

After a good, but short trip a few days earlier, I thought it could be worthwhile doing a more substantial trip along Wolli Ck to look for fungi. This time I started at Bexley Road, and walked all the way down the Two Valleys Track to the Cooks River, and then up the Cooks River to Illawarra Road.

I did find some reasonable fungi, although not as much as I had been hoping for. Here is some –

Tylopilus aff. balloui

Mycena sp.

Tremella sp.

Mycena sp.

Ink Caps

These auto-digest and turn into an inky mush –

Clavulina cristata

It’s hard to see the base of these. Perhaps Armillaria sp.

Amanita sp.

Cantherellus concinnus

Tremella sp.

I photographed the same fungus on my previous visit, it does not seem to have changed too much.

Ramariopsis crocea


Entoloma sp.

Amanita sp.

Clavulina sp.

Hygrocybe sp.

Clavulinopsis amoena

Tiny – perhaps developing Clavicorona taxophila –

Entoloma sp.

Hygrocybe taekeri

I had spotted this beautiful and rare species on my previous visit – but they were very tiny – just emerging from the ground. This time they were still quite small – but I found nine in total. Usually you only find one or two at one location. The spot was the same as the one where we had found a single specimen last year – so it was a spot I looked at very carefully on recent visits.

Russula rosea

Descolia recedens

Mycena sp.

Gymnopilus junonius


Clavulina cristata

Rickenella fibula

And I found this jelly fungus along the Cooks River – Dacrypinax spathularia

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One Response to Wolli Creek Fungi – 12 May 2024

  1. Tom SEAR says:

    Beautiful, if not 4 u, sufficiently plentiful – thanks. Gr8 shots.

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