Fungi and Orchids at Birdwood Gully – 3 June 2024

I had a very pleasant day with Sue and Valerie at Birdwood Gully at Springwood. We travelled up together by train and after a coffee stop, we were soon walking down the track. The rain at Springwood in the recent storm had been a lot less than in Sydney. The rain gauges at Faulconbridge had recorded about 25 mm on Saturday (compared to over 100 mm for many places closer to the coast).

We had good weather, and found a good amount of fungi. Here is a selection –

Cortinarius sp.

Cortinarius sp.

Gliophorus sp.

Porpolomopsis lewelliniae

Hygrocybe batesii

Ramariopsis kunzei

Cuphophyllus aurantiopallens

Ramariopsis kunzei

Cuphophyllus aurantiopallens and Gliophorus sp.

Ramariopsis kunzei

Gliophorus viridis

Clavulina sp.

Hygrocybe reesiae

Gloioxanthomyces chromolimoneus

Gliophorus psittacinus group

Hygrocybe sp.

Clavulina cinerea

Pseudohydnum gelatinosum

I am not sure of this one, but it looks like a Hygrocybe sp.

Hygrophorus involutus

Clavulinopsis amoena

Hygrocybe sp. (or Humidicutis sp.)

Helotium terrestre

Gliophorus sp.

Ramariopsis simplex

Clavulina cristata

Clavaria zollingeri

Lactifluus flocktoniae

Cortinarius sp.

Hygrocybe erythrocrenata

Hygrocybe erythrocrenata and Ramariopsis simplex

Perhaps Cuphophyllus austropratensis

And we also found a number of species of orchid. Here are some –

Greenhood Orchid – Pterostylis grandiflora

Greenhood Orchid – Pterostylis nutans

Pixie Cap Orchid – Acianthus fornicatus

Greenhood Orchid – Pterostylis acuminata

Helmet Orchid – Corybas aconitiflorus

Many thanks to Sue and Valerie for great company on the day, and for helping to spot some great fungi and orchids.

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