Fungi at Bola Creek – 8 June 2024

I attended the field study of the Sydney Fungal Studies Group at Bola Creek in Royal National Park.  Over twenty people attended and this included members of the group, visitors and also members of the Friends of Royal National Park.

In the lead up, there had been a lot of rain, and Bola Creek itself was quite high – so we did not attempt to cross over to the other side along the track, a place where we often find very good fungi. But despite this, we still managed to find a good amount of fungi on the day. Here is a selection of what we found –

Hymenopellis gigaspora and caterpillar

Clavulina cinerea

Caterpillar infected with a cordyceps like fungus –

Cuphophyllus austropratensis

Hygrocybe astatogala

Hygrocybe sp.

Ramaria sp.

Clavulinopsis amoena and Corybas orchid

Hygrocybe sp. and Geoglossum sp.

Hygrocybe sp.

Hygrocybe rodwayi

Clavulinopsis fusiformis

Hygrocybe rodwayi and Hygrocybe sp.

Hygrophorus involutus

Clavaria fragilis

Plectania campylospora

Porpolomopsis lewelliniae

Hygrocybe leucogloea

Cuphophyllus austropratensis

Hygrocybe sp.

Microglossum viride

Cuphophyllus aurantiopallens

Hygrocybe lilaceolamellata

Phaeohelotium geogenum

Mycena sp.

Phaeohelotium geogenum

Panellus luxfilamentus

Lachnum sp.

Perhaps Clavaria pusio

Rhodocollybia eucalyptorum

Amanita sp.

Unknown Polypore –

Mycena sp.

Bola Creek –

Soem of the group –


Sterium ostrea

Mycena cystidiosa

A small “Mycena Garden” on top of a post –

Many thanks to all that came along and helped with spotting fungi. This included members of the Sydney Fungal Studies Group Inc, visitors and seven members of Friends of Royal National Park. Also thanks to Trevor and Kerry Millichamp for a lift down and back, and to Ray and Elma Kearney for arranging permission with NPWS for the survey to go ahead and to David Croft from The National Parks and Wildlife Service for granting this permission.

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