More Birds at Nurragingy Reserve – 3 March 2025

Most recent visits to Nurragingy Reserve at Doonside and been very worthwhile – especially seeing the Pacific Bazas and the Sacred and Azure Kingfishers. But, just a week before, our visit had been relatively quiet. But that was hopefully an anomaly. Once again, Sue was keen to join me, and we ended up having a very interesting day.

When we arrived, I was just unpacking my camera, when a hare bounded in.

It seemed quite unafraid –

And then I spotted a bird foraging in the palms. It was a Blue-faced Honeyeater

It had been a while since I had seen one of these at Nurragingy.

We looked in vain for Kingfishers. But we did spot a single Tawny Frogmouth

Back near the ornamental ponds, we watched this Brush Turkey.

It was being harassed by Noisy Miners

Nearby was a Laughing Kookaburra

We then did a walk around the perimeter fire trail. Here are some of the birds we saw –

Noisy Friarbird

Superb Fairy-wren

Australasian Figbird

Red Wattlebird

Yellow-faced Honeyeater

Eastern Spinebills

Brown Thornbill

Back at the long pond, we bumped into Wayne, local Nature guru, again. He was watching an Azure Kingfisher

Azure Kingfishers always seen to perch in the darkest areas of the darkest ponds, hiding under the vegetation, and are hard to photograph. To reduce noise, I had lowered my shutter speed to 1/100 second. OK for still birds, but not good for action –

The Azure Kingfisher would often fly down to catch small fish –

It would also fly across to the other side of the pond, or to the far end.

Wayne had also spotted three Tawny Frogmouths, perched near where we had seen a single one. He showed us where they were –

And here is the one we had spotted earlier –

On the high tension wire, a Dollarbird

Another Laughing Kookaburra

Back at the long pond, the Azure Kingfisher was back –

It has caught a small fish –

It now ejects some water –


Not quite –

It looks up –

It looks a bit higher –

And then takes off –

But only to a higher perch –

It spots a fish –

I missed the dive, but got it leaving the water, with a fish.

Back on the perch –

It was amazing to have quality time watching this beautiful Azure Kingfisher patently hunting for fish.

Again – no Bazas, and no Sacred Kingfishers, but the Azure Kingfishers, Tawny Frogmouths and Blue-faced Honeyeater made up for that.

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