This was an outstanding day for bird photography at Long Reef Aquatic Reserve in the Northern Beaches. I arrived around 11 am and stayed till around 4 pm. It was low tide when I arrived, so I was able to walk out onto the rock platform and photograph the overwintering migratory birds. Then when the tide rose, I concentrated on the Ospreys.
First, out on the rock platform –
Great Cormorant
Grey-tailed Tattler
Ruddy Turnstones
Double-banded Plover
The Plover was showing some nice breeding plumage.
Red-necked Stints
White-bellied Sea Eagle
And then a Peregrine Falcon flew past at high speed.
This Osprey was diving, but it had a bath.
Another Osprey coming back with a fish.
Meanwhile, this was was diving –
Unsuccessful, so another go.
This time was better –
It then flew to the island with its fish.
Another Osprey arrived.
There Osprey with the fish on the island, decide to leave with it lunch.
This Osprey was still hungry –
Another dive –
But it pulled out early.
Then another bird arrived. It was a White-bellied Sea Eagle. And it had a fish.
But it only has half a fish. It has probably stolen it off an Osprey.
And it was being chased by an Osprey.
It was time for me to head home. At one stage there were ten bird photographers on their same below the lookout. But with good action, it is no wonder it is a popular spot.