We were scheduled to go on a NPA walk to the Curra Moors in Royal National Park led by Brian Everingham. But, it turned out the walking tracks in the Park were all closed due to a a total fire ban and very strong winds being forecast. So, at the Curra Moors carpark, I took a few photos of some of the orchids nearby, then on the way out of the Park, we stopped off at The Forest Path carpark, at the south end of Lady Carrington Drive – and we all had a look for orchids near there. We found a surprising amount out.
First, here are some at the carpark for Curra Moors –
Caladenia catenata
Spotted Sun Orchid – Thelymitra ixioides
And these ones were all found near the Forest Path carpark –
Blunt-tipped Greenhood Orchid – Pterostylis curta
Nodding Greenhood Orchid – Pterostylis nutans
Common Ant Orchid – Chiloglottis formicifera
Maroonhood – Pterostylis pendunculata
Caladenia catenata
Mayfly Orchid – Acianthus caudatus
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
Maroonhood – Pterostylis pendunculata
So the day was not a total wipeout.