Oatley Park Visit – 1 September 2024

I thought about time for another visit to Oatley Park. I was wondering what birds and orchids were out.

I caught a train to Oatley and walked to the Park, then started off along one of the tracks.

Here are some of the birds I saw –

Sulphur-crested Cockatoos

Powerful Owl

Spotted Pardalote

Variegated Fairy-wren

Sacred Kingfisher

Laughing Kookaburra

I don’t what prey the Kookaburra has. Perhaps legless lizard, or perhaps an eel? The Kookaburra went to a lot of trouble dealing with it – bashing it to kill it.

Grey Fantail

Laughing Kookaburra

Brown Thornbill

Royal Spoonbills

Eastern Water Dragon

Golden Whistler

Epacris longiflora

This was the only species of orchid I found on my visit. I was expecting more.

Caladenia catenata

Brown Thornbill

Variegated Fairy-wren

And on a distant crane, were two Ospreys. One on a nest.

It was starting to get hot, so I decided to head home. It had been a very pleasant visit.

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