BIrds at Barton Park – 2 October 2024

I made a morning visit to Barton Park and Landing Lights Wetland. It was probably mistake, as it was raining on and off while I was there and this made photography difficult and probably made it less likely that birds would appear.

Here are some of the birds I saw –

Welcome Swallow

Here, it is just about to grab an insect –

And another insect is eaten –

It was quite wet at Landing Lights Wetland, and it appears a toy plane has crashed in the main pond.

Pied Stilt

In the old sport ing fields near the Golf Firing Range, there was a large flock of Galahs feeding on the grass. I counted 39 of them.

Superb Fairy-wren

New Holland Honeyeater

Superb Fairy-wren

Pied Stilt

New Holland Honeyeater

Pied Stilts

Great Egret

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