My previous visit to Malabar Headland had been quite disappointing with only a brief appearance of the juvenile Peregrine Falcon. This visit was even less successful. I did spot an adult Peregrine Falcon perched on the cliffs, but it remained in the same spot for my entire visit – more than four hours.
I saw this boat pass by. It is apparently a Sydney-Hobart yacht that is limping back with a broken mast.
Back to the Falcon –
Here, it looks like the bird is getting ready to take-off, a wing stretch –
And now toileting –
But it just sat there –
A passing Great Cormorant –
Back to the Peregrine Falcon –
I could looks down at it from above –
I thought this might spook it to take off, but it didn’t.
More take-off signs –
But again, the bird settled down –
And no sign of the juvenile at all during my visit.