I attended the field study held by the Sydney Fungal Studies Group Inc at the Waterfall Reserve at Mt Wilson on Saturday morning. We found a reasonable variety of fungi out, but not a huge abundance dues to recent dry and hot weather. And what fungi we did observe was not in great condition.
Here is a selection of photos –
Ink Cap – Coprinellus sp. or similar
I am not sure what these are –
Russula sp.
We found this cluster of caterpillars –
Slime Mould – Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa
Clavaria zollingeri
Gliophorus graminicolor
Trogia sp.
Entoloma sp.
Cordyceps – Drechmeria gunnii
Cystolepiota sp.
Plectania campylospora
This is a Royal Semi-Slug – Helicarion masteri –
Puffballs – Lycoperdon subincarnatum
Peziza versiculosa
Stinkhorn “eggs”, Probably Pseudocolus fusiformis –
Scutellinia scutellata
Disc Fungus
Antrodiella zonata
Hygrocybe sp.
Cordyceps – Probably Ophiocordyceps robertsii
Cordyceps – Ophiocordyceps robertsii
Clavaria fragilis
Small cup fungus, Perhaps Jafnea pallida
Small cups
Hygrocybe cerasinomutata
Clavaria fragilis
Small discs growing on wood
Slime Mould – Stemonitis sp.
Calocera sp.
Lactifluss sp.
Cyptotrama asprata
Chlorociboria aeruginascens
Coral Fungi
Unknown –
Slime Mould
White cup
Gyroporus cfr. mcnabbii
Many thanks to Trevor and Kerry Millichamp for conducting the survey, and for a lift up and back. And to Roy Halling for the bolete i.d.