Curra Moors Walk – 10 March 2025

I joined Brian Everingham and party for a very nice bushwalking trip in the Curra Moors of Royal National Park. Brian led the walk for the National Parks Association of NSW. The Curra Moors Track was closed for maintenance, so we walked down the fire road, all the way to Eagle Rock, and then returned back the same way.

In the party, as well as Brian, there was Sue, Helen, Derek, Judith, Vivienne, Elaine, Stephanie and myself.

While waiting for the group to all arrive, I photographed some of the local New Holland Honeyeaters hunting for insects –

It’s not wildflower season, but we did see a fair few glowering plants.

Here is a nice pink Tea Tree (Leptospermum sp.) –

Banksia sp.

Flannel Flower

Fringe Lily

There were a lot of small bugs flying around –

Fringe Lily

Soem fungi –

A Variable Sword-grass Brown Butterfly

Tawny-crowned Honeyeater 

Angophora Hispida

Little Wattlebird


Drosera sp.

We crossed Curra Creek twice along the way –

We saw a Swamp Harrier

Banksia sp.

Fringe Lily

Reaching the coastal cliffs, I spotted a Nankeen Kestrel perched on Eagle Rock. I made my way there.

And the cliffs are fantastic.

Here is Elaine on Eagle Rock

White’s Skink

We had lunch on the top of the cliffs, then started walking back the same way.

Christmas Bells – Blandfordia nobilis

Little Wattlebird

We heard, and then saw a flock of about 30 Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos.

Beetle –

I spotted one orchid in flower. Perhaps Corunastylis sp.

It had been a very pleasant outing. Thanks to Brian for leading the walk – and for a lift to their start and back from the station.

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