I joined Digi Dave for a nice day of paddling along a part of the Woronora River, then lunch at the Woronora RSL Club, then in there afternoon we paddled up Forbes Creek.
Digi Dave had his sea kayak and I had my packraft.
It was a warm humid day, so our paddling was not too strenuous. When we arrived the boat ramp at Forbes Ck, the tide at Forbes Creek was a little low, so Digi Dave sensibly suggested we wait and venture up after lunch. So we first paddled up the Woronora River. The road ends soon, at a wharf, and the houses we then paddled past are all reached by boat only. All had small wharfs on the river. We paddled up to an old abandoned house on the true left side. Then returned back to the Boat ramp at Forbes Ck.
After lunch at the RSL Club, we then paddled up Forbes Creek. We paddled up past a few junctions to as far as we could, to arrive at the some large boulders. On the way back we checked out some of the side creeks – they didn’t go up vey far before becoming too shallow.
We also were lucky to see a family of Chestnut Terns paddling down the river. Two parents and four very small chicks. They didn’t seem to mid out boats and swum very close to us as we paddled down the creek. Nice to see.