Wolli Creek Nature Walk – 26 September 2017

It had been a while since I had walked down the track along Wolli Creek, so I thought it would be a nice place for a half day walk to what was out.

I caught the train to Bexley North and then started down the two Valleys Track. Along the way, I heard a lot of birds, but it was a harder job trying to see and photograph them. I did not have much luck until I reached the open grassy area not far down the track. Here I saw some small birds in the grass. I though they may be Little Grassbirds , but a friend, Emma Spencer thought they may have been Australasian Pipits (Anthus novaeseelandiae) –

just before Bardwell Park. In the trees were a number of Wattlebirds and Rainbow Lorikeets.

I then walked down towards Turrella. I did note that some of the orchids (Dendrobium linguiforme) growing on the cliffs above the old swimming pool were staring to flower –

Dendrobium linguiforme

I then spent a bit of time photographing the Flying Foxes –

And finished with a few more bird photos at Turrella Reserve.

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