I went down in the afternoon to the Cooks River at Gough Whitlam Park to see if there was any activity at the Striated Heron Nest. I didn’t see any birds in their nest, but I did spot a Striated Heron lurking near the pool.
I then continued on to the Tempe Wetlands. There I spent some time watching the Willie Wagtail nest. The parents were quite busy getting food for their chicks –
And the parents also cleared rubbish from the nest –
During this, I noticed some rather strange behaviour. One of the chicks seemed to have a stick down its throat. The parent seemed to then force the stick further down. I wonder if this is normal behaviour – perhaps to clear a blockage?
Nearby, high a tree, was the Wattlebirds and their foster Koel chick that I had seen on my previous visit –
And a few other photos from the wetlands or along the river on the ride home –
My wife last week saw a straited heron with a juvenile in the mangroves towards the boat harbour area (south side). Wonder if its the ones from the nest.