I was fortunate to spend some time photographing the lower Coxs River and the lower part of the Kowmung River during three of the days of Easter. This was on a photographic trip with David Hufton.
Every photo here was taken along section of these rivers that will be destroyed if plans go ahead to raise the level of Warragamba Dam. Every photo was taken in a World Heritage Area and National Park.
Coxs River
Kowmung River
A lot more photos are online on these gallery pages – Coxs River, Kowmung River.
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Hi David,
I stumbled across your blog as I’ve been extremely curious about exploring this area of the Blue Mountains. Your stunning photographs of the lower Kowmung have made me even more anxious to get in there. I have read to access this area you need to hike in quite a ways. Could you possibly share with me some advice on the best access points to start from? I also share a passion for photography and will be carrying some gear (full frame body, tripod etc). Many thanks in advance.
Probably the easiest access point is to walk from the Dunphy Camp Ground at the end of the road in Megalong Valley.From there, you can walk, mainly along fire roads to near the base of White Dog. Then descend to the Coxs River via an access route that goes to Mt Cookum. Note that a lot of this area is restricted as it is in the catchment area. You could also reach this area from Katoomba, via Narrow Neck. Another access route, which is longer, is from Kanangra Walls via the Gingra Range track, then walk down the Kowmung River to some of the lower areas. This is what I ddi a few years ago on an Easter Walk. We returned to Kanangra Walls via the Gangerang Range. The area is suitable for experienced bushwalkers.
Thanks very much Dave, I appreciate the advice! Apologies for the late reply!
All the best,