I haded up to the Waterfall Reserve at Mt Wilson with other members of The Sydney Fungal Studies Group Inc for their scheduled activity looking for fungi.
This are normally has more rain than Sydney, but rainfall fungus indicated that it had not been as wet as areas closer to the coast in the lead up. But the cooler temperatures of the mountains help.
We found and recorded a reasonable collection of fungi. A lot of what we found was growing on wood – and in particular a lot of species of Galerina.
We didn’t find too many waxcaps – in total abundance or in variety of species. Here are all we found –
It is interesting that the small cluster of yellow waxcaps shown above, Hygrocybe chromolimonea were growing on the end of a rotten log. All waxcaps normally grow on soil.
And some other interesting fungi –
The yellow fungus shown below was growing on a wombat scat. It is Cheilymenia coprinaria.
Another interesting find was this Eyelash Fungi. It looks the same as the one above, but was not growing on wood, but on soil. So it is likely to be Scutellinia margaritacea.
More photos together with my attempts at identification are online here on my website.