I joined The Sydney Fungal Studies Group Inc for their field activity at Wolli Creek. The activity was held in conjunction with the Wolli Creek Preservation Society. We met at Girrahween Park at Earlwood, and then split into two groups to look for fungi.
I was in a group that headed upstream. Another group went downstream from the park.
We had reasonable success with finding interesting species of fungi. It had been fairly dry in the lead up, so not that much was out.
After two hours of looking and collecting some specimens, we headed back to Girrahween Park for lunch and to work out what we had spotted.
One interesting specimen was a species of Laccaria that suffers from Rosecomb. This is where there is a developmental defect and it causes gills to form on top of the cap. Rosecomb is due to hydrocarbon pollution and is worrying to see.
More photos with identifications are online here on my website.