I made another trip to Malabar Headland National Park. I had not planned to go so recently after my previous visit, but the weather forecast was not suitable for the alternative trip – so I decided to revisit Malabar Headland. One motivation was to see if the young Peregrine Falcon chick was now flying.
In contrast to the previous visit – no whales or seals. But the Peregrine Falcons were a lot more active and I was able to photograph both the parents and their chick. The chick was away from their clifftop nest area – and was thus able to fly.
As I walked out to the headland, I photographed some of the Superb Fairy-wrens –
And also a Rufous Whistler –
I also spotted a Horsfield’s Bronze Cuckoo –
From Magic Point, I could see a distant rock fisherman on the rock platform under Boora Head.
Later when I was on Boora Head – I could see that he had a very good haul of fish –
On the way out, I had looked for, but not spotted the Peregrine Falcons. If the chick was at the nest – then it was probably not visible, but then usually a parent is on guard duty nearby and in the past they have been easy to spot. So it looked like the chick was now a fledgling.
Using binoculars, I though I could see a raptor sitting on the roof of one of the bunkers. I walked along an old narrow gauge railway to the bunker, and sure enough on top was one of the Peregrine Falcon parents. On another corner was perched its chick. The parent was a little alarmed and made a few circuits –
I got a few photos of the chick. It did a short flight.
I then headed away for lunch. Back at the cliffs was the other Peregrine Falcon parent. I think the male.
Before leaving I visited the first parent and chick. They were in the same place –
On the way back to the bus stop at Maroubra, I saw a Nankeen Kestrel sitting on top of a pole. I waited till it took off with my camera a ready.
Then a few more photos as it flew around before if flew off –
Stunning in-flight falcon shots.
2 ID corrections BFCS&Koel are Rufous Whistler & Horsfield’s Bronze Cuckoo
Thanks Andrew. Will correct.