Birds at Bicentennial Park – 20 November 2018

On my previous visit to Bicentennial Park I had noticed quite a few of the White-headed Stilts were either building nests or sitting on eggs. So I thought it worthwhile making another visit to see their progress.

I did spot quite few very young White-headed Stilts, in the company of their parents. Here are some – 

I think there were a lot more around – but probably taken a fair way from the path by their parents. The chicks I saw looked very young – probably very recently hatched.

Here is a Chestnut Teal, one of a pair that flew past.

A long way off in the main pond were a large flock of Avocets.

Along the path there were many Superb Fairy-wrens.

And in one remote area of the pond, a long way off was a large group of Sharp-tailed Sandpipers. Too far away for reasonable photos. I later returned to the pond after lunch and found the Sandpipers had moved much closer to the path. Now they were much better for photos.

However, the sandpipers were making their way along the shore and approaching some White-headed Stilt chicks. Their parents were trying to act as sheep dogs encouraging the Sandpipers to keep away.

The distant Avocets, at one stage, took off in a big mass, flew around a bit and then landed back in their old position.

The last birds I photograph were some Welcome Swallows –

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