Birds at Sydney Park – 31 January 2020

Sydney Park, at St Peters, is relatively close to where I live, and its a great place to observe and photograph birds. It is one place that I have neglected a bit however. I had been looking at some recent bird sightings, and it looked like the following relatively rare birds had been seen –  Little Bittern, Bailon’s Crake and Latham’s Snipe. Of these, I have only photographed the Snipe, so it would be good to visit the park and see what was around.

Welcome Swallow

I spent most of the morning at the Park. As it turned out, I did not see any of these target species. But there quite a few other nice birds. Here are some –

Eurasian Coot with chick

Pacific Black Duck


Little Pied Cormorant

Little Black Cormorant

Pied Stilt

Australian Reed-Warbler

Welcome Swallow

White-faced Heron

It had been a pleasant morning, and its a place I will revisit. Just before I left, I bumped into Gokay – a local bird photographer. I had seen his photos of the Little Bittern online, and he gave me some good tips of likely places to look out for it.




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