This was a prelude trip before going down to the Coxs River for the SUBW Christmas trip.
The Grand Canyon is a very pretty and spectacular canyon that is also relatively easy and accessible.
Eleven of us (Martin, Su Li, Brent, Chris, Suzie, Burnsie, John M, Enmoore, Rik, Rob and myself) set off from the carpark on Evans Lookout Road, Blackheath and soon arrived at the abseil.
To speed things up, we set up two ropes, and soon we were all down.
Then down through the canyon. We had a walk to do later, so we went fairly fast. I did not have too much time for pfaffing with photography. The lighting was daily subdued – so not too bad for canyon photography.
The canyon is really beautiful. It is quite dark and atmospheric. The slot is quite impressive, particularly in the lower part of the canyon – not long before the only swim. It features high, deeply scalloped walls. Many ferns cling to the sides.
The swim seemed a lot warmer than those in Rocky Creek Canyon the weekend before.
At the end of the canyon, we climbed back up along the track and soon were back at the cars.