Last week Bob suggested and planned a very nice Central Coast Walk. This week, I suggested and planned a walk to visit Kanuka Brook in the Blue Labyrinth. I was keen on the idea of a through walk – and the plan was to park at Glenbrook, catch a train to Warrimoo, then walk out along the fire trail at the end of Greens Road. Then we would descend to Glenbrook Creek, up the other side and then along the Bullant Track towards St Helena. We would then walk down the track towards the Duckhole, and turn off part way along for Kanuka Brook.
The walk started off well. It was a pleasant walk out along the Greens Road Firetrail. There were great views at the end. I had seen cliffs there when I was on the other side at Bunyan Lookout. I thought those cliffs should provide a great view – and they certainly did.
However, those same cliff also proved to be an obstacle in our getting down to the creek. The route I had looked at, involved walking along a ridge to the east. Then if the end of the ridge didn’t go, we could always scramble down the small creek nearby. Unfortunately the ridge didn’t go, neither did the creek – despite a lot of looking for ways down and doing some rather dodgy scrambling.
So we had no choice but to scramble back up. We walked back up the creekbed and came onto the fire trail a bit further back. We then headed back to a side fire road that went out to an electrical pylon. From the pylon, there was a link track that took us to the Florabella Pass Track.
We had used up a fair bit of time, so we cancelled plans to cross Glenbrook Creek. We walked down Florabella Pass, and took a lower track down to Glenbrook Creek. This involved the descent of a ladder at one spot.
At least the ladder had been fixed up a bit from a previous trip, where a lot of the rungs where missing. This took us to Glenbrook Creek. We had thought of following the creek to The Duckhole – but it was slow going with a lot of flood damage, so we only went a short way downstream and took the old track back up to Pippas Pass. We finished the trip at Blaxland Library, and caught a train down to Glenbrook back to Bob’s car.
The Pippas Pass track is very easy and pleasant walking.
Not far before the library, the track crosses a small creek where you can see some Aboriginal sharpening grooves.
I think the original plan was a bit ambitious, even if the first pass had gone OK. But we will return someday.
The first photo you took from the end of greens road looking down to glenbrook creek. That direct line down does go, i have done that many times before
See article below about a possible threat to walkers’ access to the Greens Road fire trail. The owner of 32 Greens Road, Warrimoo has applied to purchase the road reserve that passes through their property and which forms the beginning of the fire trail.
Submissions have closed, but interested people could still write to the Crown Lands officer dealing with the application [email protected] citing – Proposed disposal of crown road within 32 Greens Road Warrimoo (File ref: 19/08762, Cluster: 612819). A decision on the application has not yet been made.
Helen Yoxall