Another day spent out on Malabar Headland. I think things are starting to quieten down in regard to the juvenile Peregrine Falcons. They can now fly a lot further and seem a lot harder to locate when perched on the cliffs.
On this trip, I could hear one of the juvenile Peregrine Falcons calling out, from somewhere in Dead Man’s Gulch. I could not see it until it moved.
It flew for a short time and then landed in a spot I could see.
One of it parent was perched on the far side of Dead Man’s Gulch.
I could follow an old track to close to the juvenile. But I was too close and it flew off.
It landed on the far side of the gulch.
I watched bot the juvenile and its parent. The parent was the first to take-off.
The juvenile also took-off at almost the same time. They flew together briefly.
Then the juvenile landed again.
I was ready for when it took-off.
The juvenile flew out of the area, and I could not locate it. I later spotted one of the parents on a ledge near Boora Point.
On my way out I stopped to photograph this Little Wattlebird –
And this Water Skink –
At the pond near the park entrance, I photographed some of the Welcome Swallows –