Sydney Park Birds – 10 February 2021

During the late afternoon, I made visit to Sydney Park at St Peters for some bird photography. I was after, in particular, more photos of Lewin’s Rails. During my visit I could hear several, and even see the vegetation moving as their sound moved around. But they chose to stay hidden. However, as on all visits to a site like this, there was plenty of things to see and photograph.

There were lots of baby birds. Here is an Australasian Swamphen with its chick –

Here is another Swamphen chick –

And here is a very young Eurasian Coot chick –

Here are three Dusky Moorhen. Two of them seem to be chasing the third. Perhaps with amorous intentions?

These two Black Swans seem to have bonded –

Sydney Park is a great place to see and photograph Australian Reed Warblers.

And there were some larger waterbirds. Here is a Pelican

And a Royal Spoonbill

And then an Australasian Darter arrived –

It seemed to rattle a few feathers of an Ibis –

While it was drying it’s wings, it then started playing with a stick. I have observed this behaviour before with Darters. I don’t know if it is play, or practice dealing with nesting material.

It then took off –

And a few more birds. First a Pied Cormorant

And here is a Laughing Kookaburra with prey –

A Little Black Cormorant is making a splash –

And this Welcome Swallow is emerging from the water –


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