Wet weather was forecast, so I decide to do a short local trip – a visit to Sydney Park at St Peters to photograph the birdlife.
As usual, I was after photographs of the more seldom seen birds – Rails and Crakes for example. But on this visit, I did not see any. I spent a fair bit of time walking around with binoculars scanning the reeds at the edges of the ponds.
Here are some of the birds I did see –
Eurasian Coots
Pied Cormorant
Little Black Cormorant
Welcome Swallows
These Swallows are a bit of a last resort. Something to photograph while you are waiting to see if any other birds appear. They move fast and are challenging to photograph – especially in the poor light that I had. But sometimes you are able to get a good sequence. Here is one grabbing an insect of the surface of the pond –
In this next photo you can see the insect.
It has grabbed the insect.
It now rotates its head and expels water.
Some more –
This Noisy Miner was having a bath.
And the Stinkhorns. They are looking a bit sad and waterlogged.