The Easter walk I was going on wasn’t starting till Easter Saturday, so I was able to join Gary and Allen on a morning of photography at Oatley Park.
We were after any fungi that was out as well as birds and whatever else we could spot. As well as oatley Park, we also visited the wetlands at Lime Kiln Bay and the track to the west.
Fungi was not super abundant, but we did spot some nice species.
Bolete – Perhaps Fistulinella mollis –
Puffballs. Lycoperdon sp.
Bolete – Perhaps Xanthoconium sp.
Polypore. Perhaps Inonotus albertinii –
Bolete – Xerocomellus sp.
Very small fungi just emerging – growing on a root. Perhaps Armillaria sp.
Cantherellus concinnus –
And some of the birds we saw –
Rainbow Lorikeet
King Parrot
Striated Heron
Striated Thornbill
Golden Whistler
Crimson Rosella
Grey Fantail
Grey Butcherbird
Australasian Grebes
Royal Spoonbill
And this one is an Indian Ringneck Parrot. Probably escaped from an aviary.
And down at Dairy Creek – one of the Eastern Water Dragons –