Wolli Ck is in my local area and its a place I visit a lot for Nature walks. This time it was an organised fungal survey with the Sydney Fungal Study Group. It was also a joint activity with Wolli Creek Preservation Society.
The participants met up at Girrahween Park and set off at 10 am. One group, which I was in heading upstream, and the other group going downstream. We would meet up again at lunchtime.
Conditions were quite dry, and there was not that much fungi out, and what we did find tended to be old and dried out. But, we did find some reasonable fungi –
Hygrocybe austropratensis
Hygrocybe astatogala
Hygrocybe miniata
Geastrum triplex
Sanguinoderma rude
Cortinarius sp.
Lactarius eucalypti
Austroboletus lacunosus
Laccaria sp.
Pluteus sp.
Macrolepiota sp.
Gymnopilus junonius
Thanks to all participants for some excellent spotting, and their interest and enthusiasm. Also special thanks to Deb Little from Wolli Ck Preservation Society and to NPWS ranger Stacy Wilson for organising permission for us to undertake the survey.