With a change of plans, I was able to join the local Greenway Bird Survey. This one was the loop from Waratah Mills Station.
Here are some of the birds we saw –
We were surprised to see a Brush Turkey on the road near Waratah Mills Station.
Australasian Figbird
Pacific Koels
New Holland Honeyeater
Red Wattlebird
Nankeen Kestrel
Here is a juvenile Pacific Koel and its very proud foster parents (Red Wattlebirds)
Superb Fairy-wrens
Channel-billed Cuckoo
Brown Goshawks
Willie Wagtail
As usual the group finished with morning tea at local cafe.
David, a family of three Brush Turkey has been hanging around Southend Tennis Courts (South of Strathfield) for a few weeks now. Two adults and a younger one I think. Seen them a few times on the track.