It had been a while since I had visited the Lane Cove Valley, so I caught a train to Thornleigh and then set off for the Oval and the Great North Walk track.
I was surprised however to find sign saying the track there was closed due to landslide danger. I had come a long way, so I decided to ignore the sign – as there were a lot of fresh footprints on the track. At the bottom of Lorna Pass, there was another sign – so the closed section was not very long.
I was on the lookout for fungi and birds. Like Wolli Ck, I did not see that much fungi out. Here is some I found at the bottom of Lorna Pass.
Clavulinopsis sulcata
Lactarius eucalypti
And further along saw this nice Lace Monitor –
On my last trip, I spotted quite a few Rufous Fantails. This time I saw none. Here is a Lewin’s Honeyeater –
Some more fungi –
Russula rosea
Gymnopilus sp.
At Browns Waterhole, I continued downstream to a site to look for a particular fungus that may have been out. Along the way I spotted these nice Hydnellum sp.
And here is a Golden Whistler –
Cortinarius sp.
Greenhood Orchid
Hydnellum sp.
Hydnellum auratile
I then headed back to Browns Waterhole and started off up Terrys Creek. A short way along I stopped for lunch. At one spot, a short way off the track I spotted a pair of Powerful Owls.
And here is an Eastern Yellow Robin –
This spot can be good for fungi, I only spotted some Clavulinopsis amoena –
A little further along the track, I saw this nice Slime Mould (Tubifera sp.)
I was looking carefully for fungi. I did not see very much out. Here is an old Helvella fibrosa –
And some Stereopsis hiscens –
Crimson Rosella
And I spotted a second pair of Powerful Owls.
One of them had flying fox.
This time, I caught a bus from Epping Road to Epping Station. It had been a nice day out.