Barton Park has lately been a very good birding venue, so I decided on another trip. Each time I make a visit to the park, I see a different range of birds. I go with hopes of seeing a particular bird – like the Swamp Harrier, in order to get some better photos, but often come back with photos of other interesting birds instead.
Here is a selection of photos –
Yellow Thornbill
Pied Stilts
New Holland Honeyeater
Double-barred Finch
Yellow-rumped Thornbill
Double-barred Finch
King Parrots
Brown Goshawk
This one was distant, and it is the one with the damaged talon.
Grey Goshawk
While trying to follow this bird in the wetlands, I met three ladies from America that were visiting Australia and were bird watching. They seemed to have a good knowledge of Australian birds. I was pleased to see the Grey Goshawk again and point it out to them, and then we looked for and found some other birds –
Golden Whistler
Black-shouldered Kite
I wonder if this is the same juvenile Black-shouldered Kite that I have seen in February at Barton Park. It seems to turn up for part of a day every now and then. It was soon chased away by Magpies.
Olive-backed Oriole
And we did see some more Double-barred Finches. It was good to see some overseas bird watchers at this park.
Brown Goshawk
This is different to the one I saw earlier.
Little Pied Cormorant
Grey Fantail
White-necked Heron
Superb Fairy-wren
Grey Goshawk
Striated Heron
It spots a large school of fish.
Black-shouldered Kite
Grey Goshawk
Royal Spoonbill
Grey Fantail
It is about to grab an insect.
Grey Goshawk
Another very good day of bird photography.