The 8th of November was a very full day. An early start with the Mudlarks, then a long afternoon at Malabar Headland, and then an evening lunar eclipse.
The photo above was taken in the suburban inner west of Sydney, at about 10 pm. Details – 600 mm, 1/4 second, f 6.3, 3200 ISO. I think this is a realistic image of how bright the eclipsed Moon appeared to the eye, from my viewpoint.
And there is more. I later saw some published photos that showed a conjunction of the eclipsed Moon with Uranus. Had I photographed Uranus? I checked the position of Uranus at about 10 pm on that date in Stellarium and found I had indeed recorded the planet.
I can clearly see it on a full large photo, and it is just visible as a tiny white dot on the top right below –
It may be easier to see in the photo below where I have increased the exposure and tightened the crop –
Uranus is the brighter white dot on the top right. Here is the Stellarium view –