This was short afternoon trip to Sydney Park to wander around photographing birds.
I first looked for the Tawny Frogmouth family. My search was in vain. I could not find them. I assume the parents have moved the family a fair way. No sign of the Powerful Owl either. So I went down to the ponds.
Some Welcome Swallows were active –
And some waterbirds –
Pacific Black Duck
Little Black Cormorant
Little Pied Cormorant
Over the past few weeks, I had photographed a nesting pair of Australasian Grebes. The chicks have now left the nest.
More nesting in the Island Pond. The Magpie Larks have finished building their nest. There are probably eggs.
This was one of a pair of Willie Wagtails hunting in that pond –
And the Black Swans –
I also spotted an Australasian Grebe nest in the Island Pond –
And here are some Australian Swamphen chicks on the island –
Back to the Australasian Grebes and their chicks in the large pond –
There are three chicks, but local bird watcher Harold, told me that originally there had been four.
You can above, one of the chicks wanting to hide under its parent’s feathers. They are probably all too large for that now.
Update – at the time of writing (20 Nov 22) it seems that there are no chicks left according to the recent eBird survey at the park.