Taronga Zoo – Visit on 17 January 2023

This was another very pleasant and interesting day at Taronga Zoo.

I went there with Sue and Valerie.

We started with the Squirrel Monkeys

Unfortunately, the Lions were unavailable – due to concerns after their  recent escape. Here are some Meerkats

Here is a Sun Bear

Rainforest Aviary

We could only spot one of the Gibbons

Asian Elephant – 

The Bird Show

Buzzard –

Barking Owl – 

Condor – 

Chook – 

Cockatoo – 

In the Blue Mountains Bushwalk section – some Zebra Finches


Then down past the kids section, an Echidna


Quokka – 

Capybaras – 

More birds in the large aviary –

Black-faced Monarch – 


Topknot Pigeon – 

Noisy Pitta – 

Regent Bowerbird – 

We had visited the Sumatran Tiger enclosure earlier, but the Tigers were all asleep then, so we returned later and they were much more active (they were about to be fed) –

And a Woompoo Pigeon

And as we were walking down to the Ferry, a Red Panda

This was a very pleasant day out. Thanks to Sue and Valerie for great company.

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One Response to Taronga Zoo – Visit on 17 January 2023

  1. Molly says:

    Magnificent pictures — very nice that you got all the animals looking active and interesting, not always true of zoo shots! That blue-faced parrotfinch might not be keen with the ‘sparrow’ label however.

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